Monday, June 30, 2008

Esta, Bien. Esta, Bien.

So this week has been one of the bests so far! We got to travel around a bit alone and figure out just how the city works. Besides that...I got some awesome pictures of daily life with the kids.





Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Graduation Week

So tomorrow is graduation day for my class, and I won't be there with them. I decided to throw a few pics up of my best's and just remind them that I wish I could be there, but rather be here!





"My Wish"
Rascal Flatts

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow
and each road leads you where you wanna go
and if one door opens to another door closed
I hope you keep on walkin till you find the window
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth in your smile
but more than anything,
more than anything

My wish for you,
is that this life becomes, all that you want it to
your dreams stay big, worries stay small
you never need to carry more than you can hold
and while you're out there gettin where you're gettin to
I hop you know somebody loves you
and wants the same things too
yea this, is my wish

I hope you never look back, but you never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And always give more than you take.
But More than anything, yeah, more than anything

My wish, for you
is that this life becomes all that you want it to
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
you never need to carry more than you can hold
and while you're out there gettin where you're gettin to
I hope you know somebody loves you
and wants the same things too,
yea this, is my wish

Anyways, me a jose are doing just fine here! This was him pouting and getting mad at me because I made him do his homework. :)



Friday, June 20, 2008

Getting out of the Orphanage

This week has been insane.

I have, at the very least, been spending 6 hours with the kids everyday!

I'm really, really, really in love with this place. Everyday gets better and better. I just saw Indiana Jones for $1.50! I think I liked it; the only bummer was that it was in Spanish!

Jack and Jacob and Kelsey; I miss you guys! When I hang out with the orphans I think about you all. I have some stuff for you when I get home. Only about a month and a half till I see you...Love you :)

All my kids! This is a chart for their behavior every day. If the kids are good for the day, they get a star. If they mostly have stars at the end of the week, they get a treat. This week is a trip out to Pizza Hut :)

Normal life at Casa Hogar. This picture is a view from the Guest House where WH volunteers stay!

This is Dariella :) She is amazing.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Weekly Events

So I decided to make a list of my top 10 favorite things here at the orphanage.

1. Jose grunting at me and trying to form words but not being able to say them. Although I am really happy he´s starting to talk to me more.
2. Dinora being completely mad at me for no reason and then 5 seconds later forgetting why.
3. Danya putting her hands over my eyes to play the ¨guess who¨ game but digging her hands into my eyes so that it hurts
4. Edin crossing his legs and saying ¨voy a pee pee,¨ which means I have to pee but not doing anything about it
5. Glorias amazing meals
6. Totally screwing up a sentence in spanish and then laughing at myself later for it
7. Creatures of all sorts we meet in our shower
8. Daniella telling me to sleep while we are on the couch watching a movie
9. The kids trying to scare Anne with a cat
10. Our next door neighbors blasting music at 5 am every morning

I thought you might enjoy these.





Meet Joe.

Meet Duane.

They are my new friends in Casa Hogar. We met them in our shower.




Mom, could you text me when you get my email? Thanks.

Love you!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Casa Hogar

I just got done emailing everyone. I heard you are excited about seeing my next blog, and I think I´ll put up a ton of pics this time! Everything is great here. Language is improving, and I really love the food (no matter how bizarre it is) and am really having fun with these kids. It´s not work at all! I think my biggest difficulty right now is the other World Hope Volunteer. She´s really struggling, and apparently she will be asked to leave sometime next week if she hasnt assimilated to the culture by then. Its hard, but I think it´s for the best.

These are just a few of the kids at Casa Hogar. You might be able to tell who is my favorite by looking through them!

This picture is me, danya, and a partial view of Byron. We were just hanging out on the couch watching some T.V. and doing homework

This is Jose. I love to pinch his cheeks.

We look the same even though we are completely different!

Again. I love this boy.

This was actually taken in Copan with one of the local girls while we were horseback riding!

I have a ton more, but these are my favorites!!