Friday, June 20, 2008

Getting out of the Orphanage

This week has been insane.

I have, at the very least, been spending 6 hours with the kids everyday!

I'm really, really, really in love with this place. Everyday gets better and better. I just saw Indiana Jones for $1.50! I think I liked it; the only bummer was that it was in Spanish!

Jack and Jacob and Kelsey; I miss you guys! When I hang out with the orphans I think about you all. I have some stuff for you when I get home. Only about a month and a half till I see you...Love you :)

All my kids! This is a chart for their behavior every day. If the kids are good for the day, they get a star. If they mostly have stars at the end of the week, they get a treat. This week is a trip out to Pizza Hut :)

Normal life at Casa Hogar. This picture is a view from the Guest House where WH volunteers stay!

This is Dariella :) She is amazing.


adrienne said...

God is amazing! You look wonderful, and soooo happy! I pray for you everyday, love you heaps. :)

adrienne said...

Glad your having fun! DONT DRINK THE WATER! Mommy and me watched that P.S I Love You and it was so SAD. I CRIED LIKE SO MANY TIMES AND SO DID MOM AND IT WAS SO SAD!!!!
WERE WATCHING...caps lock...Fool's Gold later on PPV (pay per view). And that won't be sad it'll be funny.

I was going to post a picture of a really adorable kitten up here but it won't let me...

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate, LOVE the pic of the scenery. What a gorgeous place. Bring me back one of the kids to adopt! We want another one! Can't wait to see you. Love, Auntie