Sunday, August 24, 2008

Block Party

There is this thing called a "Block Party" which LU held last night for all of the campus. We had games, tatoos, food, and other obnoxious things to boot. Here's a couple pics with my quad mates :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

So this is love .

I love college!

So I'm officially on the Liberty University Women's Hockey team. It's exciting! We do really hard core practices but all is well. I finally set up all of my stuff in the dorm room and even added some things to spice it up. Classes started on monday, and all that I am taking are awesome. It frustrates me that so much is done on the internet, like even quizzes and tests, but it's something I'll have to get used to. Food here rocks, as long as you know where to get it. There also are little coffee shops that are amazing and hits the spot when you need it. My roomies and I are getting along quite well... :) The pic that is up is regular Liberty sunsets. It's right outside my dorm and couldn't get any better. I am so glad I chose Liberty.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Liberty University

Tuesday was my first day at Liberty. Since I hadn't ever been on campus before, it was a little overwhelming to walk around and be accompanied by the 10,000 students that are also on campus. I had one last meal with my parents and then said goodbye. After I got to see Wes and Garren's townhouse for about an hour. Today we got all of our boring stuff done, and I even got a call from the Coach of the Women's hockey team to come and try out / meet tonight at their practice. I really like my room mates (some are a little creepy) but we all get along pretty well.

ill have pics up in a bit

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye isn't the easiest thing, especially when you have to do it 23+times. I got some good photos of the last few things the kids and I did!

Anne and I broke out the face paints and did some really awesome creations. The funny thing is, the kids all are painted accordingly to their personalities :)

Refused to be anything but Spiderman, the little punk.

Goodbye, Honduras.

sorry some of the pictures aren't in line...for some reason they won't show the full thing.