Saturday, May 2, 2009

Summer <3

The past couple weeks have flown by. School has been amazing; reassuring that I'm supposed to be at Liberty and no where else. I absolutely adore it here and am so content--which is a big deal since I have a hard time being content anywhere in the states. I've been to DC 2ce since this month, once with just Bethany, and then the other time with a couple of people from our dorm and the brother dorm to get to know each other better.
Lots of things have changed, as usual. I've decided to stay in Lynchburg for the part of the summer that I'm going to be in the states. I literally just got hired last night for Subway :) which I am so excited for, as well as working for a Ms. Katherine Thomas who is ironically a tight friend of Dr. Elmer Towns. I was really worried that I was taking a chance getting an apartment and having to pay rent without a serious job, but I needed to get a heads up on the jobs that would be opening when the college kids left so I could have one for next year. It was a risk, but God provided as usual. Staying in Lynchburg is not going to be all that exciting though. I'm already missing my friends and they haven't left yet; I'll have no one here to keep me company which means I have to get out and make friends!
Dad drove down to bring my new car :) I love it. We got to have dinner and spend some time together -- then in the morning we went to Panera (Which he's never been to!?) and I drove him to the airport. Now I'm all set! I leave for Nicaragua May 23 (ironically I cannot seem to have a birthday in the States anymore and I love how I'm leaving on that day) and come back late June. I'm really excited; it's coming a lot faster than Honduras did. Lauren is great too; it's a good thing I'm going with her because I never get sick of her!!! The plan is to drive up to NY the 21, see the fam for a day, and then head out to Nicaragua. I'm excited to use my spanish again!!!


Anonymous said...

Love reading your blog. Thanks for posting. Sounds like you're going to have a great summer! Enjoy. Love you.

Anna Rosalene said...

I miss you, Kate Flanders.