Friday, July 2, 2010


Got back from Mexico this past Sunday. I wasn't expecting to get a whole lot out of this expectations were low. Turns out, it probably was one of the most influential I've ever had. It wasn't an easy trip. There were a lot of things to do, a lot of different opportunities for me to jump into, but none that I necessarily felt 100% comfortable with. VBS was out considering I really can't stand kids, Dentist work was out for obvious reasons, Womens ministry wasn't exactly my calling as long as it including painting nails :)...most of these opportunities is just me complaining and being selfish. I ended up jumping into sports like soccer and baseball, but God steered me to yet a different path, once again. Translating was my main focus, as most of the team spoke little to no Spanish. He pulled me completely out of my comfort zone when I had to translate for the Border Guards since the translators didn't show up. It didn't matter what my trade was; whether that be with the Dentist or out playing soccer, relationships always came first. It is the most important matter and comes first and last. I jumped in as soon as it hit me, and tried to make as much of an impact as I can considering we were only there for a week. I had been a little nervous for the trip to Uganda next week only because I don't speak their language. This will definitely not be the easiest trip I will have to participate on, but something I am expecting to be stretched on. As for being back in Oklahoma, I am keeping busy with overcoming the things I've needed to work on for a long time. I am forgetting things I need to forget, and learning things I need to learn. Each are equally important, but neither are necessarily easy. I am making the right decisions, no matter how hard they come. I will be returning to Liberty in the Fall, and finishing out my school there. Every summer I plan on returning to Oklahoma and working for the church, at least up until I graduate when I will move out here permanently. I've never felt this sure in my life.

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