Saturday, April 5, 2008

5 Weeks to go ... I'll be e-mailing everyone with my website for my travel experiences.  I found out that next year I have another opportunity to go to Honduras or Africa.  God really has shown me what he wants me to do.  (And so soon!)  Thanks everyone for their donations (which are still coming in; not a problem!) and prayers.  I am pretty much done with packing for Honduras now.  College stuff is already packed as well.  I cannot believe how time has just flown by!  One last thing:  Cheri, a co-worker/friend of mine from Absolut of Eden (nursing home) has had a tough life lately.  Her brother had been in a car accident a few years ago, and needs a lot of prayer.  Her website is posted ( or you can e-mail her at . Cheri's very important to me and I hope you will keep her in her thoughts.  She also has a HUGE selection of rabbits and candles that you can buy!  Can't wait to hear from ya'll. 


hulag said...

What a wonderful wonderful blog! I am happy to visit it.

Kate said...

thanks so much!