Saturday, May 17, 2008

Scuba Diving

I went scuba diving today; I just thought I should let everyone know :)

Ashley, Anne, Tim, and I all went through the instruction course and paid ONLY 75$!!!! We went out for 2 half hour dives in various locations. It was absolutely beautiful. The first time I had gone underwater was really difficult. I thought so many times that there was no way I was going to go through with it, and then my mask kept letting the water in!!! It is so salty that it burned my eyes...finally I was smart enough to switch the goggles mask and got going. It was amazing. I saw more life under the light blue water than I could have imagined! I even saw a sea erchant! It was purple and black. :)

Then we went out to dinner at "The Jade Seahorse." It is a restaurant that's walls are filled with random objects of Honduras. Pics are up :) I ordered shrimp and I ate everything on my plate...I LOVE Honduran food. It's a long walk from our home stay until town, but there's one dirt road that leads to the market place with the "restaurants". We get to see all of Utila on the walk to the busy strip. Here "spanglish" is used often, which is basically a mix between spanish and english. I can make out what the locals are saying and they can make out what I am saying. That means I'm not exercising my language enough to prepare for the orphanage.

I have 2 more days here: tomorrow some kids who want to boat to the keys will stay there all day. It is a great chance to snorkel and see more wildlife :)





Anonymous said...

Way to go, girl! I'm too claustrophobic to scuba dive. As Dylan says, he'd never last a week in a country like Honduras...he hates fish, seafood and vegetables! BUT his favorite thing in the world is refried beans. A lovely day to you! Auntie

adrienne said...

Wow! Scuba diving, that's amazing! Have a great day! love you

Debra said...

How awesome! What a great chance to enjoy more of God's creation!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kid,
Sound like you are having a lot of fun. Scuba diving sounds like it would be something I would really enjoy, especially with an underwater camera in tow. Looking forward to seeing you in a few months. Uncle Eric