Tuesday, May 13, 2008



We flew from Buffalo, to Dullas, to El Salvador. I haven't met the other girls that I am staying with yet, but I'll meet them as soon as we arrive at our next and final destination; Tegucigalpa. The Houghton kids are awesome. They are all really sweet and as dumb as I in spanish. :) When we first stepped off the plane into El Salvador, a huge heat wave came over us. It is SO humid and I guess that the temperature is an easy 100 degrees! We were told to drink a TON of water to keep from dehydration.

I had my first conversation, or what one would call a sad attempt, with one of the natives today. I just wanted to buy a pop and the lady who was cashing me out was trying to coax me into buying a meal with it. I kept saying "no, quiero gaseosa," which means "i just want pop." It was fun, but I know will be extremely difficult in the future!

I still can't believe I'm posting this as I am sitting in El Salvador. We're just waiting around for the next flight which is around 4:30; its only 2!!!

hi mom :)


adrienne said...

Hey I think I figured it out! Love you mom

adrienne said...


-Your Darling Sister Kelsey


Debra said...

The women at Tuesday morning bible study prayed for you yesterday. Sue McLain said to find exactly where you'll be ( couldn't remember the town) because maybe you'll be close enough to Josh and Maria for them to make contact while you're there.
BTW: with heat and humidity that high, I won't be coming with you when you lead that team next year!
Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate! Have you had a chance to take any pics yet? Can't wait to see what it all looks like....from those of us in rainy old Washington

Kate said...

I'm getting pictures up soon, promise... The internet is not very good here. I'm mostly in Tegucigalpa -- let me know?